Saturday 18 September 2010

Alain de Botton - Living architecture

I went to a talk given by the popular Swiss writer, Alain de Botton at the V & A on his new project, 'living architecture'.

The idea behind the project is to replace run-down or collasping buildings in rural areas with modern ones and then letting them out as holiday rentals. The houses are designed by different architects from around the world including Swiss architect, Peter Zumthor's 'The Secular Retreat' in Devon. The aim of the project is an attempt to change people's perception on modern architecture and to give people opportunities living in these buildings for a short period of time.

I think this is a good idea but I am not sure if traditionalists can be persuaded esp. those who are so used to their rural landscape may see these buildings as eyesores! My favourite is Zumthor's 'The Secular Retreat' even though it has yet to be built, it looks unique and meditative from the sketches and I am curious to see the finished work.

To find out more, go to:

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